Brie Fritters with Tomato Coulis

Brie Fritters with Tomato Coulis


400 g brie

50 g of flour

50 g bread crumbs

1 egg

5 cl of oil

1 liter of oil for frying 

1/2 bunch of chives

2 cherry tomatoes

Tomato coulis:

4 tomatoes

1 onion

1 carrot

1 clove of garlic

30 g of butter

1 branch of thyme

1 bay leaf

1/2 bunch of chives

Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste


For the tomato coulis:

Peel the onion and carrot and cut into small dice.

Peel and mince the garlic.

Cut the tomatoes into quarters.

Make a bouquet garni by tying together the thyme, bay leaf and chives into a bunch
In a saucepan, melt butter. Add the carrot, onion and garlic and allow to sweat. Once the vegetables pick up some color, add the tomatoes, the bouquet garni and cover with water.

Cook for 20 minutes over gentle heat. Remove the bouquet garni and strain. Keep the coulis warm while you prepare the brie fritters.

For Brie Fritters:

Cut the Brie into medium-sized cubes.

Prepare a breading station by taking three plates and adding flour, egg and oil mixture, and breadcrumbs. 

To bread, start by adding a cube of brie to the flour. From there, shake off the excess and add to the egg mixture. Finally, add the cube of brie from the egg to the breadcrumbs. Repeat process until all of your Brie cubes are breaded.

Fry the Brie fritters until golden in color. It should take about 2 minutes.

To serve, pour your tomato coulis onto a plate. Arrange the hot and fluffy cubes of fried Brie to the coulis and garnish with a few chives and cherry tomatoes. Serve hot! 
